When hiring a caregiver, you have three options:
- Licensed Agency
- Registry (or referral agency)
- Private Hire
There are several legal, administrative, and financial obligations to consider.
Below is a chart outlining these obligations with indicators for who covers them.
*In most cases, a privately hired caregiver is considered an employee. CA labor laws apply.
For more information: http://www.dir.ca.gov/dlse/DomesticWorkerBillOfRights-FAQ.html
Hiring a caregiver is an important decision in your life and the life of your loved one. Rather than go it alone, let us help you.
Call Eldercare Services for a complimentary professional home care evaluation. Eldercare provides 24/7 support for any care or scheduling issues that may arise. Caregivers receive advanced ongoing training. Eldercare Services is one of few agencies in California that is accredited by the Joint Commission and has earned its Gold Seal of Approval.
We’re experts and we’re at your service. Call (866) 760-1808 today!
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