Not Just For Seniors
An Eldercare Services special needs caregiver strives to improve quality of life for your family. We work with adults of all ages who want/need the oversight and personal advocacy of an expert in order to ensure their wishes and values are respected.
Empowerment & Empathy for All Ages
Whether you or a loved one requires a short-term care solution or a long-term special needs caregiver, we have the compassion and expertise to help. Our clinical team and special needs caregivers are respected experts in their fields. They not only manage the physical, emotional and practical aspects of their client’s care plan, but also focus on coaching both the client and their families. We aim to provide an empowering and enriching environment so that our clients can live their best life.
Below are 8 areas in which an Eldercare special needs caregiver is versed and works with adults of any age that are in need of a caring advocate:
- Adults having a medical procedure (pre and post procedure).
- Adults experiencing a life-adjustment period due to new limitations or demands brought on by a progressive illness.
- Adults with cognitive, psychological or physical special needs who have busy or older parents.
- Families experiencing interpersonal conflict and stress regarding care choices.
- Adults suffering from a chronic progressive illnesses who want to focus on physical, emotional and mental wellness.
- Family caregivers who need coaching and support to find balance and cope with the demands of looking after a loved one.
- Easing the adaptation process of managing and meeting changing needs related to aging, illness or a medical condition within the home environment.
- Enhancing general quality of life and encouraging you to be who you always have been, no matter what health challenges you may be experiencing.
Whatever your age, whatever your situation, Eldercare Services can help. Contact Us for immediate assistance with your unique situation to receive a Complimentary Professional Assessment.